Sensortronics "S" cells
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Sensortronics 60001 "S" cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel. NTEP 86-043 S/M III 5,000 div & IIIL 10,000 div

Part Number Capacity Stock # Price
60001A-25-1177 25 lb 1388 $295
60001A-50-1177 50 lb 1389 $295
60001A-100-1177 100 lb 1390 $295
60001A-200-1177 200 lb 1391 $295
60001A-250-1177 250 lb 1148 $295
60001A-500-1177 500 lb 1149 $295
60001A-750-1177 750 lb 1150 $295
60001A-1K-1177 1,000 lb 1151 $295
60001A-1.5K-1177 1,500 lb 1152 $295
60001A-2K-1177 2,000 lb 1153 $295
60001A-2.5K-1177 2,500 lb 1154 $335
60001A-3K-1177 3,000 lb 1155 $335
60001A-5K-1177 5,000 lb 1156 $475
60001A-10K-1177 10,000 lb 1157 $475
60001A-15K-1177 15,000 lb 1158 $575
60001A-20K-1177 20,000 lb 1159 $895

Continued below

Sensortronics 60050 "S" cell stainless steel
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel. 

Part Number Capacity Stock # Price
60050-25 25 lb 1383 $325
60050-50 50 lb 1384 $325
60050-100 100 lb 1385 $325
60050-200 200 lb 1386 $325
60050-250 250 lb 11086 $325
60050-500 500 lb 11087 $325
60050-750 750 lb 11088 $325
60050-1K 1,000 lb 11089 $325
60050-1.5K 1,500 lb 11090 $325
60050-2K 2,000 lb 11091 $325
60050-2.5K 2,500 lb 11092 $365
60050-3K 3,000 lb 11093 $365
60050-5K 5,000 lb 11094 $550
60050-10K 10,000 lb 11095 $550
60050-15K 15,000 lb 11096 $650
60050-20K 20,000 lb 11097 $975

Continued below

Sensortronics 60036 "S" cell 
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel. 

Part Number Capacity Stock # Price
60036-25 25 lb 1576 $295
60036-50 50 lb 1144 $295
60036-75 75 lb 1145 $295
60036-100 100 lb 1146 $295
60036-150 150 lb 1147 $295

Continued below

Sensortronics 60063 Hermetically sealed "S" cell 
2 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 349-450/349-355 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel. 

Part Number Capacity Stock # Price
60063-500 500 lb 13556 $495
60063-750 750 lb 13557 $495
60063-1K 1,000 lb 13558 $495
60063-1.5K 1,500 lb 13559 $495
60063-2K 2,000 lb 13560 $495
60063-2.5K 2,500 lb 13561 $535
60063-3K 3,000 lb 13562 $535
60063-5K 5,000 lb 13563 $660
60063-10K 10,000 lb 13564 $660
60063-15K 15,000 lb 13565 $725
60063-20K 20,000 lb 13566 $995


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A and A Scales, LLC

78 North 12th Street

Prospect Park NJ 07508

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