Sensortronics Truck load cells
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Sensortronics 65058 truck scale load cell only
3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohms, 35 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel. NTEP 86-046 M IIIL 10,000 div

Part Number  Capacity Weight Stock # Price
65058-10K 10,000 lb 9 lb 1546 $571
65058-15K 15,000 lb 9 lb 1547 $571
65058-20K 20,000 lb 9 lb 1548 $571
65058-25K 25,000 lb 9 lb 1549 $571
65058-30K 30,000 lb 11 lb 1550 $684
65058-40K 40,000 lb 11 lb 1551 $684
65058-50K 50,000 lb 19 lb 1552 $751
65058-60K 60,000 lb 19 lb 1553 $751
65058-75K 75,000 lb 19 lb 1554 $751
65058-100K 100,000 lb 40 lb 1555 $1,417
65058-125K 125,000 lb 40 lb 1556 $1,417
56058-200K 200,000 LB 70 lb 11753 $2,835
Howe Richardson replacement  
65058A-50K-1127 50,000 lb 19 lb 12515 $760

Continued below

Sensortronics 65058 with truck scale assembly
3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohms, 35 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel. NTEP 86-046 M IIIL 10,000 div

Part Number  Capacity Stock # Price
65058-10K TSA 10,000 lb 5461388 $1,057
65058-15K TSA 15,000 lb 5471388 $1,057
65058-20K TSA 20,000 lb 5481388 $1,057
65058-25K TSA 25,000 lb 5491388 $1,057
65058-50K TSA 50,000 lb 5521389 $1,237
65058-60K TSA 60,000 lb 5531389 $1,237
65058-75K TSA 75,000 lb 5541389 $1,237

Continued below

Sensortronics 65040 truck scale load cell only
3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohms, 35 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel. NTEP 86-045 M IIIL 10,000 div

Part Number Capacity Stock Price
65040A-25K 25,000 lb 11276 $571
65040A-40K 40,000 lb 11278 $684
Small Envelope
50,000 lb 14186 $684
65040A-50K 50,000 lb 11280 $751
65040A-60K 60,000 lb 150 $751
65040A-75K 75,000 lb 11286 $751
65040A-100K 100,000 lb 11559 $1,417
65040A-125K 125,000 lb 11562 $1,417
65040A-200K 200,000 lb 11755 $2,835


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A and A Scales, LLC

78 North 12th Street

Prospect Park NJ 07508

Phone 800-481-4114

     Fax 509-355-3498
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